Notes for Machine Learning Compilation


Posted by Kylin on June 8, 2023



official notes:

What’s MLC?

Machine learning compilation (MLC) is the process of transforming and optimizing machine learning execution from its development form to its deployment form.


machine learning compilation still differs from traditional compilation in many ways.

For example, the deployment form can be a set of pre-defined library functions, and the ML compilation only translates the development forms onto calls into those libraries.

Goal of MLC?

  • Integration and dependency minimization. 不必要的库就不需要引入了
  • Leveraging hardware native acceleration. 利用不同的硬件特性
  • Optimization in general. 比如内存、执行效率、分布式等

Key Elements in MLC?

Computation Graph: Tensor, Tensor Function

Abstraction and Implementation

  • Abstraction usually allocate in development, whereas Implementation is in deployment

In practice, we usually say that the more specialized version is an implementation of higher-level abstraction。比如说,汇编是一个高层算法的实现。

Key idea of this lesson: Most MLC process can be viewed as transformation among tensor functions (that can be represented with different abstractions)

Four Categories of Abstractions

  • Computational Graphs
  • Tensor Programs
  • Libraries and Runtime
  • Hardware Primitives

Tensor Program Abstraction

Primitive Tensor Function

A typical model execution involves several computation steps that transform tensors from input to the final prediction, and each unit step is called a primitive tensor function.

Primitive Function Transformation

One most common MLC process that many frameworks offer is to transform the implementations of primitive functions(or dispatch them in runtime) to more optimized ones based on the environment.

屏幕截图 2023-06-08 210116

Approaches for primitive function transformation:

  • Remap to library calls: e.g. cuda, add => cudaAdd
  • Fine-grained program transformation

Tensor Program Transformation

屏幕截图 2023-06-08 225933

  • Key Elements of a Tensor Program

屏幕截图 2023-06-08 230044

  • Example Transformation:

屏幕截图 2023-06-08 230216

屏幕截图 2023-06-08 230253

屏幕截图 2023-06-08 230317


  • Spatial Aces & Reduce Axes
class MyModule:
    def mm_relu(A: T.Buffer[(128, 128), "float32"], 
                B: T.Buffer[(128, 128), "float32"], 
                C: T.Buffer[(128, 128), "float32"]):
        T.func_attr({"global_symbol": "mm_relu", "tir.noalias": True})
        Y = T.alloc_buffer((128, 128), dtype="float32")
        for i, j, k in T.grid(128, 128, 128):
            with T.block("Y"):
                vi = T.axis.spatial(128, i)
                vj = T.axis.spatial(128, j)
                vk = T.axis.reduce(128, k)
                with T.init():
                    Y[vi, vj] = T.float32(0)
                Y[vi, vj] = Y[vi, vj] + A[vi, vk] * B[vk, vj]
        for i, j in T.grid(128, 128):
            with T.block("C"):
                vi = T.axis.spatial(128, i)
                vj = T.axis.spatial(128, j)             
                C[vi, vj] = T.max(Y[vi, vj], T.float32(0))

Notably, for a fixed value of vi and vj, the computation block produces a point value at a spatial location of Y (Y[vi, vj]) that is independent from other locations in Y (with a different vi, vj values). we can call vi, vj *spatial axes* as they directly corresponds to the beginning of a spatial region of buffers that the block writes to. The axes that involves in reduction (vk) are named as *reduce axes*.

we can always parallelize over spatial axes, parallelizing over reduce axes will require specific strategies.

  • Relax function: high-level NN executions


  • Destination passing

The idea is that input and output are explicitly allocated outside and passed to the low-level primitive function. This style is commonly used in low-level library designs, so higher-level frameworks can handle that memory allocation decision. Note that not all tensor operations can be presented in this style (specifically, there are operations whose output shape depends on the input).

def low_level_prim_func(in0, in1, ..., out):
# implementations
  • call_tir

隐藏底层的内存分配、以及写输入的操作,使得可以成为一个pure computation graph node


Pure Computational Graph


  • Dataflow Block

with R.dataflow():

​ #implement

A dataflow block is a way for us to mark the computational graph regions of the program.

Specifically, within a dataflow block, all the operations need to be side-effect free. Outside a dataflow block, the operations can contain side-effect.

  • decompose_reduction

move the initialization of Some_Block’s element separate from the reduction update.

sch.decompose_reduction(block_Y, k)
# 使block_Y的初始化在k相关循环的外面
IPython.display.Code(sch.mod.script(), language="python")
  • Automatic Program Optimization


Integrated with Mainstream ML Framework

  • BlockBuilder

Build IRModule programmatically

  • From torch
class MyModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(MyModel, self).__init__()
        self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(128, 128))

    def forward(self, x):
        x = torch.matmul(x, self.weight)
        x = torch.relu(x)
        return x
model = MyModel()
fx_module = fx.symbolic_trace(model)

# print the graph structure

# Create Map Function

#Let us define the overall high-level translation logic. The main flow is as follows:
#- Create a `node_map` that maps `fx.Node` to the corresponding `relax.Var` that #represents the translated node in IRModule.
#- Iterate over the nodes in the fx graph in topological order.
#- Compute the mapped output of the node given the mapped inputs.

def map_param(param: nn.Parameter):
    ndim = len(
    return relax.const(, relax.DynTensorType(ndim, "float32")

def fetch_attr(fx_mod, target: str):
    """Helper function to fetch an attr"""
    target_atoms = target.split('.')
    attr_itr = fx_mod
    for i, atom in enumerate(target_atoms):
        if not hasattr(attr_itr, atom):
            raise RuntimeError(f"Node referenced nonexistant target {'.'.join(target_atoms[:i])}")
        attr_itr = getattr(attr_itr, atom)
    return attr_itr

def from_fx(fx_mod, input_shapes, call_function_map, call_module_map):
    input_index = 0
    node_map = {}
    named_modules = dict(fx_mod.named_modules())

    bb = relax.BlockBuilder()

    fn_inputs = []
    fn_output = None
    with bb.function("main"):
        with bb.dataflow():
            for node in fx_mod.graph.nodes:
                if node.op == "placeholder":
                    # create input placeholder
                    shape = input_shapes[input_index]
                    input_index += 1 
                    input_var = relax.Var(
              , shape, relax.DynTensorType(len(shape), "float32")
                    node_map[node] = input_var
                elif node.op == "get_attr":
                    node_map[node] = map_param(fetch_attr(fx_mod,
                elif node.op == "call_function":
                    node_map[node] = call_function_map[](bb, node_map, node)
                elif node.op == "call_module":
                    named_module = named_modules[]
                    node_map[node] = call_module_map[type(named_module)](bb, node_map, node, named_module)
                elif node.op == "output":
                    output = node_map[node.args[0]]
                    assert fn_output is None
                    fn_output = bb.emit_output(output)
        # output and finalize the function
        bb.emit_func_output(output, fn_inputs)
    return bb.get()

# how we use
def map_matmul(bb, node_map, node: fx.Node):
    A = node_map[node.args[0]]
    B = node_map[node.args[1]]
    return bb.emit_te(te_matmul, A, B)

def map_relu(bb, node_map, node: fx.Node):
    A = node_map[node.args[0]]
    return bb.emit_te(te_relu, A)

MyModule = from_fx(
    input_shapes = [(1, 128)], 
    call_function_map = {
      torch.matmul: map_matmul,
      torch.relu: map_relu, 

GPU and Specialized Hardware



Programming Arch


eg. Conv1d

  • cooperative fetching

eg. GEMM

  • Local Blocking

  • Shared Memory Blocking

Graph Optimization

  • IRModule Data Structure (AST)


  • use Visit Pattern to transform Computational Graph


class MyModule:
    def main(x: R.Tensor((3, 4), "float32"), y: R.Tensor((3, 4), "float32")):
        with R.dataflow():
            lv0 = relax.op.multiply(x, y)
            gv0 = relax.op.add(lv0, y)
        return gv0


class EwiseFMARewriter(relax.PyExprMutator):
    def visit_call_(self, call):
        call = self.visit_expr_post_order(call)
        add_op ="relax.add")
        multiply_op ="relax.multiply")
        ewise_fma_op ="relax.ewise_fma")

        if call.op != add_op:
            return call

        value = self.lookup_binding(call.args[0])
        if not isinstance(value, relax.Call) or value.op != multiply_op:
            return call
        fma_call = relax.Call(
            ewise_fma_op, [value.args[0], value.args[1], call.args[1]], None, None
        return fma_call

updated_fn = EwiseFMARewriter().visit_expr(MyModule["main"])


  • Map to high-level Intrinsic

class DenseAddFusor(relax.PyExprMutator):
    def __init__(self, mod: IRModule) -> None:
        self.mod_ = mod
        # cache pre-defined ops
        self.add_op ="relax.add")
        self.dense_op ="relax.nn.dense")
        self.counter = 0

    def transform(self) -> IRModule:
        for global_var, func in self.mod_.functions.items():
            if not isinstance(func, relax.Function):
            # avoid already fused primitive functions
            if "Primitive" in func.attrs.keys() and func.attrs["Primitive"] != 0:
            updated_func = self.visit_expr(func)
            updated_func = relax.analysis.remove_all_unused(updated_func)
            self.builder_.update_func(global_var, updated_func)
        return self.builder_.get()

    def visit_call_(self, call):
        call = self.visit_expr_post_order(call)

        def match_call(node, op):
            if not isinstance(node, relax.Call):
                return False
            return node.op == op
        # pattern match dense => add
        if not match_call(call, self.add_op):
            return call

        value = self.lookup_binding(call.args[0])
        if value is None:
            return call

        if not match_call(value, self.dense_op):
            return call

        x = value.args[0]
        w = value.args[1]
        b = call.args[1]

        # construct a new fused primitive function
        param_x = relax.Var("x", x.shape_, x._checked_type_)
        param_w = relax.Var("w", w.shape_, w._checked_type_)
        param_b = relax.Var("b", b.shape_, b._checked_type_)

        bb = relax.BlockBuilder()

        fn_name = "fused_dense_add%d" % (self.counter)
        self.counter += 1
        with bb.function(fn_name, [param_x, param_w, param_b]):
            with bb.dataflow():
                lv0 = bb.emit(relax.op.nn.dense(param_x, param_w))
                gv = bb.emit_output(relax.op.add(lv0, param_b))

        # Add Primitive attribute to the fused funtions
        fused_fn = bb.get()[fn_name].with_attr("Primitive", 1)
        global_var = self.builder_.add_func(fused_fn, fn_name)

        # construct call into the fused function
        return relax.Call(global_var, [x, w, b], None, None), name="DeseAddFuse")
class FuseDenseAddPass:
    """The wrapper for the LowerTensorIR pass."""
    def transform_module(self, mod, ctx):
        return DenseAddFusor(mod).transform()

MLPFused = FuseDenseAddPass()(MLPModel)
  • Map to low-level IRModule
class LowerToTensorIR(relax.PyExprMutator):
    def __init__(self, mod: IRModule, op_map) -> None:
        self.mod_ = mod
        self.op_map = {
   v for k, v in op_map.items()

    def visit_call_(self, call):
        call = self.visit_expr_post_order(call)

        if call.op in self.op_map:
            return self.op_map[call.op](self.builder_, call)
        return call

    def transform(self) -> IRModule:
        for global_var, func in self.mod_.functions.items():
            if not isinstance(func, relax.Function):
            updated_func = self.visit_expr(func)
            self.builder_.update_func(global_var, updated_func)

        return self.builder_.get()

def map_matmul(bb, call):
    x, w = call.args
    return bb.call_te(topi.nn.matmul, x, w)

def map_add(bb, call):
    a, b = call.args
    return bb.call_te(topi.add, a, b)

def map_relu(bb, call):
    return bb.call_te(topi.nn.relu, call.args[0])

def map_transpose(bb, call):
    return bb.call_te(topi.transpose, call.args[0], )

op_map = {
  "relax.matmul": map_matmul,
  "relax.add": map_add,
  "relax.nn.relu": map_relu,
  "relax.permute_dims": map_transpose
}, name="LowerToTensorIR")
class LowerToTensorIRPass:
    """The wrapper for the LowerTensorIR pass."""
    def transform_module(self, mod, ctx):
        return LowerToTensorIR(mod, op_map).transform()

MLPModelTIR = LowerToTensorIRPass()(MLPFused)

Future Work

  • Framework of MLC


  • Example MLC Process

TensorIR-level transformations among primitive tensor functions.

Computational graph transformations: operator fusion.

Mapping to library functions

  • Future Directions

Feedback and cross-layer optimizations.

Smarter automatic approaches for specialized hardware.

Collaboration between engineers and compilation system