Proposed DeepUM allows memory oversubscription using a page fault mechanism.
DeepUM uses a new correlation prefetching technique to hide the page migration overhead.
outperform six state-of-the-art GPU memory swapping approaches
LMS[33], vDNN[51], AutoTM[21], SwapAdvisor[24], Capuchin[45], and Sentinel[50].
Two GPUs:NVIDIA Tesla V100 PCIe 32GB NVIDIA Tesla V100 PCIe 16GB
- SpeedUp
- ratio of total energy consumption over UM
Related Work
There are two categories in the swapping approach :
One swaps-in/swaps-out the whole GPU memory objects to the CPU memory or NVMe devices[6, 21, 24, 33, 45, 49–51, 55]
- vDNN:开山之作,swap for Deep Neural Network (DNN) workloads. it supports only convolutional neural networks (CNNs).
- TFLMS :集成在IBM Watson里面, It schedules swap-in/swap-out commands by modifying computational graphs. 需要改后端和用户代码。
- Both Superneurons[55] and FlashNeuron[6]: take a DNN model as input and derive an optimal tensor offloading schedule.
- Superneurons offloads tensors in the GPU memory to the CPU memory
- FlashNeuron[6] exploits NVMe SSDs to offload the tensors.
- AutoTM[21] and SwapAdvisor[24]:also take a DNN model as input to schedule its memory operations.
- AutoTM uses integer linear programming (ILP) not only to schedule data movement but also to reduce GPU memory fragmentation。
- SwapAdvisor[24] uses a genetic algorithm to schedule operators, memory allocations, and swap decisions.
- Capuchin[45] identifies the tensor access patterns at run time and schedules tensor eviction, prefetching, and recomputation.
- Sentinel:使用了page fault mechanism。the Sentinel uses the CPU page fault mechanism while DeepUM uses the GPU page fault mechanism of the GPU。training throughput超过以上系统。
- DeepSpeed:It keeps track of the sequence of DNN operations by hooking PyTorch APIs. Then, it provides the GPU memory swapping mechanism with the CPU main memory or NVMe SSD(三级offload). However, DeepSpeed manages offloading model parameters, gradients, and optimizer states, not activations(activation要手动checkpoint).
exploits CUDA UM with prefetching[5, 35]
- OC-DNN[5] manually inserts prefetch commands in front of each DNN operation.
- DRAGON[35] uses an NVMe SSD as a backing store for UM. It targets general applications and uses a DNN workload as a showcase. It also requires user code modification and device driver modification.