Llama 3 蒸馏实践

knowledge distillation from an ensemble of teachers trained on a small dataset with no performance penalty

Posted by Kylin on April 23, 2024



Baby Llama:knowledge distillation from an ensemble of teachers trained on a small dataset with no performance penalty


首先在10M-word BabyLM dataset上sft两个teachers:GPT-2 and small LLaMA

接下来蒸馏到:58M-parameter LLaMA

We trained an ensemble consisting of a GPT-2 and small LLaMA models on the developmentally- plausible, 10M-word BabyLM dataset, then distilled it into a small, 58M-parameter LLaMA model



这个文章是一个比赛的产物:BabyLM challenge1 has invited researchers to investigate ways of improving the sample effi- ciency of small-scale language models, by restrict- ing the training set to a developmentally plausible corpus, consisting mostly of transcribed speech of either 10M (strict-small track) or 100M words (strict and loose tracks).


Our proposed solution consists in distilling an ensemble of two larger “teacher” mod- els, of different architectures (GPT-2 and LLaMA), into a smaller “student” LLaMA model.

Pretrain using distillation

Knowledge Distillation

KD的发展:Knowledge distillation (Bucila et al., 2006; Hinton et al., 2015) is a technique that consists in training a (usually smaller) student model to reproduce the behaviour of one or more teacher models. This method has been successfully applied to large language models, e.g. in Sanh et al. (2019).


1)train an ensem- ble consisting of GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019) and a small LLaMA model (Touvron et al., 2023) on the 10M-word BabyLM dataset.

2)distill process:两个traget,soft target是teacher-student的logits相似度,hard taregt是next token prediction的KL散度。

The distillation process involves guiding the training of the student model using the output of the teacher models. This output, also known as soft targets, is obtained by applying a temperature scaling factor to the teacher’s output logits. The student model is then trained to approximate these soft targets (with the same temperature) in addition to the original hard targets, resulting in a model that generalizes better and therefore performs better on unseen data.

loss funxtion:The loss function consists of a weighted sum of the original hard target loss (cross-entropy with the true labels) and the distillation loss (KullbackLeibler divergence with the teacher’s soft targets). Formally, it can be expressed as: \(L=\alpha L_{C E}+(1-\alpha) L_{K L}\) where $\alpha$ is the weight factor, $L_{C E}$ is the original cross-entropy loss, and $L_{K L}$ is the KullbackLeibler divergence.

tokenizer:teacher-student是一致的,并且在training阶段进行训练:We use the same to- kenizer for both the teacher and student models, with a vocabulary size of 16000; the tokenizer is trained exclusively on the training split.

细节:student在distill之前不进行独立pre-train:i.e. the student model is not trained conventionally before the distillation


strict-small track dataset consists of approximately 10M words (as counted by the UNIX wc tool)

进行过简单正则cleaning:Some simple, regex-based cleaning is performed on both datasets, e.g. to remove HTML tags from Wikipedia articles, non-verbal cues from subtitles, or even to correct I’s that were incorrectly recog- nized as l’s in OCR’ed uppercase text. The Python script responsible for the cleaning, mrclean.py, is included along with the model; it contains one function for each data source.

分词方法:Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) with a vocabulary size of 16000.

训练样本:Each split is divided into contiguous chunks of 128 tokens. During each epoch of pretraining, the model is presented with a new random permutation of the chunks from the training split. The vali- dation loss is computed at the end of each epoch, by iterating in order over a fixed (but randomly sampled at the beginning) subset of the “dev” split.

We noticed that adding a random offset between 0 and 127 to each chunk lead to marginally better performance; however, due to lack of time, the final teacher and student models were trained without such an offset.



git clone https://github.com/KylinC/Llama-3-Distill
git clone https://huggingface.co/datasets/KylinC/babylm


  1. Task-specific knowledge distillation for BERT using Hugging Face Transformers. https://github.com/philschmid/knowledge-distillation-transformers-pytorch-sagemaker/blob/master/knowledge-distillation.ipynb