
A fool who dreams.

Hello, Here is Kylin Chen. I'm now a master degree candidate in Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. And I've got my Bachelor's degree in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. This is my Resume. me Research:

  1. [ACM MobiSys] Hao Kong, Xiangyu Xu, Jiadi Yu, Qilin Chen, Chenguang Ma, Yingying Chen, Yi-Chao Chen, and Linghe Kong, "m^3Track: mmWave-based Multi-User 3D Posture Tracking," in Proceedings of ACM MobiSys 2022, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2022.

Selected Projects:
  1. mPose3D [Code]

    mPose3D aims at human pose estimation and implements standard python API from Texas Instrument (TI) mmWave hardware, such as xWR14xx, xWR16xx and xWR68xx.

  2. mmVital-Signs [Code]

    Based on single Periodic linearly-increasing frequency chirps (known as Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW)), mmVital-Signs can actively measure human breathing and heartbeat frequency, the project can be implemented in a production environment now.

  3. FPS-Game [Code]

    FPS-Game is a First-person shooting game created by Unity. The game has been released on Windows platform.

  4. more projects are available on my Github.

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